Comment by Lyndesy Symonds
It is not possible to have any form of democratic government unless people are guaranteed the freedom to have and to hold their religious beliefs, ethnic traditions, opinions, debate, exchange ideas, experiences, make jokes and satires, speak the truth as they see it, work on their thinking with freedom of association.
If this was contentious in a racially homogenous, baptised population like the Britain of the Magna Carta or the Scottish Celtic population of the Declaration of Arbroath – where the Church was part of the foundation of social order, then it is going to impossible with the babylonian stewpot of races, ethnicities, religions, political ideologies that is a multi-cultural, diversity is our strength type of demographic.
Diversity is not our strength. Such freedom that is undergirds a democratic political system and its civil rights will easily ignite a conflict of laws, customs, religions etc.
In Australia a choice will have to be made between the freedoms of a liberal democracy and a population of diverse races, religions and ethnicities, especially where the central tenet of an ideology, religion or ethnic imperium is to extinguish those rights for other groups – however defined. It can not work and it is not desirable that it should work.
Something will have to give and under Communist / Globalist rule it will be the White Anglo-Celtic population with its quaint notions of ancient liberties and civil rights.