Dr. Peter McCullough Cites Research Paper Claiming USDA Created Current Bird Flu Strain Through Gain of Function Research | The Gateway Pundit

Dr. Peter McCullough Cites Research Paper Claiming USDA Created Current Bird Flu Strain Through Gain of Function Research | The Gateway Pundit

Something interesting happened a day before Robert F. Kennedy was nominated as the new Health and Human Services Secretary. Dr. Peter McCullough, the Covid warrior, accused the USDA of creating the current bird flu strain through Gain of Function research.

Arguably, Dr. Peter McCullough was one the most outspoken critics of Covid measures, especially the Covid vaccine. Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist with multiple degrees.

Dr. McCullough was widely attacked for his positions during Covid. His license was threatened by Baylor University. However, given McCullough’s background as one of the most published doctors in his field, in history, people paid attention to him.

McCullough eloquently delivered his message of critique on platforms such as Joe Rogan. McCullough has also testified multiple times in front of Congress, speaking about the inconsistencies in the government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It’s understandable to disagree with McCullough’s position. However, McCullough’s courage under fire is undeniable.

During a time in which many average Americans caved to the social pressures of the medical establishment, McCullough stood as a beacon of steadfast defiance. McCullough put his reputation and career on the line as he challenged orthodoxy.

To this day, McCullough has battled the crumbling narrative of the big pharma industrial complex.

Additionally, McCullough does so with action, not just words. On his website, McCullough offers a formula to combat the adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s called ‘The McCullough Protocol‘ and he offers a product called ‘Spike Support.’

On November 13th, Dr. McCullough posted the following on X:

The gravity of such a statement should not be overlooked. For a man of McCullough’s background and bona fides, this accusation should be taken seriously. It would stand to reason that an HHS run by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would pay close attention to such studies.

Dr. McCullough, along with an epidemiologist named Nicolas Hulscher, and author John Leake, recently published a medical study on the Longdom website.

Longdom describes itself as, “…one of the leading international publishers of open access journals covering clinical, medical, biological, pharmaceutical sciences as well as engineering, management and technology oriented subjects.”

The study makes some alarming observations about the recent evolutions of the different strains of the bird flu.

In summary, the study claims that the data support the theory of two different laboratories performing gain-of-function research on the H5N1 avian (bird flu) pathogen. It asserts that the current strain originated from these laboratories.

According to the U.S. government, gain-of-function research is described as the following: “Gain-of-function (GOF) research involves experimentation that aims or is expected to (and/or, perhaps, actually does) increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogens.”

One subtle but remarkable note made in the study regards mass vaccination.

The study observes as follows, “The findings of these researchers present an illustrative case of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s thesis that mass vaccination with nonsterilizing vaccines can result in the emergence of a new, more virulent viral strain.”

It references Dr. Vanden Bossche’s research as well.

Talk about challenging orthodoxy! The implication here is that not only is it inadvisable to mass vaccinate during a pandemic, it may actually strengthen the viral strain by helping to create new variants.

While this thesis is not new in medical world circles, the thought of it becoming mainstream would change the world as we look back at the handling of a global pandemic.

The study goes on to highlight the dangers of gain of function research. It makes the obvious point that publishing such studies in public allows for the use by those who, “…may not conduct their laboratory work for benevolent ends.”

Scrolling through Dr. McCullough’s X feed, one can quickly discern his position on the incoming health policy of the Donald Trump administration. If that policy aligns at all with the position McCullough takes below, there is likely to be drastic accountability coming for government officials.

Dr. McCullough is one of the most respected doctors in his field. He was widely published in medical journals prior to the COVID pandemic. His observations regarding the Covid pandemic and subsequent vaccine are likely to be reviewed, with scrutiny, by the Donald Trump administration. If credible, these theses could bring down entire industries in the medical world.

Read the full study here.

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