A US judge has put on hold a bid by the company behind the leftist “satire” website called The Onion to buy the Infowars website and news operation, sent bankrupt by a lawfare operation run by the CIA and the Democratic Party.
The slimy CEO of The Onion, Ben Collins, an ex-NBC “disinformation reporter” stood down for desperately trying to defame Elon Musk and Twitter, bragged across mainstream media that he had successfully bid for Infowars with the backing of anti-gun campaigner John Feinblatt.
But the pair were quickly corrected by Alex Jones himself, saying the bidding was in fact highly irregular as noted by the federal judge overseeing Jones’ bankruptcy case, Christopher Lopez, who ordered an evidentiary hearing regarding the auction, saying “I’m going to figure out exactly what happened” and that “no one should feel comfortable with the results of this auction.”
Establishment mouthpiece Politico, reported: The satirical news outlet was announced as the winning bidder on Thursday in an auction that is part of Jones’ personal bankruptcy. Hours later, Infowars headquarters in Austin, Texas and its websites were shut down and Jones was broadcasting from a new studio he had set up before the bankruptcy auction. By Friday morning, Infowars and its websites were back up and running for reasons that were not entirely clear.”
The fact is that Jones does not give up easily and has no intention of being shut down and humiliated by an establishment media lackey and deep state operatives embedded in the CIA and FBI, who, as undercover footage revealed, played a role in launching the Sandy Hook lawsuits against Jones in a form of lawfare meant to take away his First Amendment rights by shutting down his operation.
As it turned out, Collins’ bid was not the highest, but had the backing of the multi-millionaire parents of the mysterious Sandy Hook shooting victims and Feinblatt, who no doubt has friends galore in the Zio-lobby. The smarmy Collins said buying Infowars would be something of a joke and he would turn it into “a parody of itself”.
Collin’s Onion website peddles what Americans would call “frat-boy humour”, essentially the work of silly little smart Alecs who sit at desks all day figuring our their next fake, “funny” story along the lines of “Trump appoints toupe expert to Homeland Security” or some such nonsense that might provide a dull-minded leftist with a rare chuckle.
Collins, speaking to the US ABC channel, had the gall to call Infowars’ content “garbage” that has “hurt a lot of people” in the past couple of decades but said he and Feinblatt thought purchasing Infowars in a bankruptcy auction would be “the funniest joke of all time”.
If Collins and his crew think they can simply waltz into the Infowars studios in Austin and switch it over to their smart-Alecky left-wing satire they might have “another think coming”. Watch these “anti-gun” campaigners surround themselves with armed guards.
Collins told the ABC’s George Stephanopolous, he used to be a disinformation reporter. “I used to cover him (Jones) from the other side of this. You can present as many facts as you want to Alex Jones and he’s just not gonna listen. But, if you make fun of these people in a way that cuts through and maybe show a funhouse mirror, basically, to what he’s trying to do. He’s trying to get you really afraid so you can buy some supplements,” the corporate-sponsored journalist said.
Responding to Stephanopolous Collins lied, “Yeah, look. We won the bid. We own Infowars and we are very excited about that.” When asked by if they didn’t have the highest bid, Collins doubled down claiming they did have the highest bid taking into account the “(Sandy Hook) families’ concessions here”. “They made a concerted effort to make this the best and highest bid for everybody involved,” he said.
Collins’ and Feinblatt’s plan to turn Infowars into an anti-gun satire website, will go down like a lead balloon in the state of Texas – unless they scuttle off to some joint in downtown San Francisco and run it from there.
Feinblatt called it “karmic justice” that his anti-gun group would be involved in the alleged purchase of Infowars. Strangely, Feinblatt is not known in Israel for demanding disarmament of the IDF or settlers who are given guns to keep stone-throwing Palestinian children in check.
During his live transmission on Friday from his alternative studio, Jones explained that the Sandy Hook families pledged the money he owes them as part of the sale without other bidders knowing credit could be used in the auction.
During a Thursday emergency hearing, Judge Lopez expressed concerns about how the auction was conducted because one party bid $3.5 million while a court-appointed trustee admitted The Onion offered a lower sum paired with the Sandy Hook families’ unpaid Jones settlement.
Former Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark posted to X on Thursday evening that “The U.S. Bankruptcy Trustee Program’s handling of the Alex Jones Infowars auction needs to be thoroughly investigated for propriety under the bankruptcy laws and for adherence to the First Amendment.
“I also give a shoutout to Roger Stone for putting together an alternate bid. Whether that bid by Stone was dealt with fairly needs to be examined carefully when the Trump DOJ is in place.”
Jones’ defamation case is the most prominent of some nine lawsuits launched by Sandy Hook families. Another prominent legal battle involves Professor James H. Fetzer, who in 2022 was ordered to pay $450,000 in damages to Sandy Hook parent Leonard Pozner, father of Noah Pozner, who at six was said to be the youngest Sandy Hook shooting victim. Fetzer’s legal battle began in 2018 and he details the events at this link. https://jameshfetzer.org/2019/01/the-sandy-hook-pozner-v-fetzer-lawsuit-for-dummies/
Fetzer is also facing defamation damages awards totalling $5.6 million based on sentences in his book “Nobody Died At Sandy Hook” and is legally bankrupt. The publisher withdrew the book but Fetzer says it may still be available for download at some places on the internet.
Fetzer is currently seeking a Writ of Certiorari (a court process to seek judicial review of a decision of a lower court or government agency) against the Wisconsin Fourth Court of Appeals for “allowing the
Wisconsin Judiciary to conduct and affirm a non-jury trial under the pretense of a summary judgment proceeding, the process of which violates all the rules of summary judgment in Texas, depriving Wisconsin citizens of their equal rights to a trial by jury and due process under the 7th and 14th Amendments and
further allowing a Wisconsin judge to determine the validity of major national events through unsound summary judgment methodology”.
Fetzer explains in a recent (October) video that he was also seeking a Motion to Stay from Justice Gorsuch in order to pursue matters relating to his case to the 7th Amendment, which codifies the right to trial by jury in certain civil cases.