President Trump was projected winner in Massachusetts after polls closed at 8:30 pm ET and in Texas almost immediately when the polls closed at 9:00 pm ET.
Trump is ten for ten in wins tonight, carrying every single state that has reported results, and he has already been the clear presumptive nominee for a while now.
Nobody knows why Nikki Haley would remain in the race. Her intention is likely to sabotage Trump.
Heading into Tuesday, Trump was already destroying Nikki Haley with 273 delegates to her measly 43 delegates.
The toxic RINO former UN Ambassador refuses to drop out even after losing her home state of South Carolina.
Haley also pulled back on her promise to endorse her former boss, Donald Trump – and suggested she may stay in the primary race until July.
We are still awaiting results in Vermont, where polls also closed at 7 pm. This will likely be the closest race of the night, and Haley’s only shot at a win in an open Primary, where Democrats are admitting to voting for her.
In fact, a new poll by Sienna-NY Times found that NEARLY HALF of Nikki’s support is from Biden voters!
Trump is expected to speak at his campaign’s watch party later tonight as results continue trickling in. Watch live: