This could make for a powerful campaign ad for Trump

This could make for a powerful campaign ad for Trump



Shot: Walz let Minneapolis burn.


Chaser: ‘Light ‘em up!’ Police shoot paintballs at Minneapolis residents standing on their porch.

The juxtaposition between these two videos could make for a powerful campaign ad for Trump.

UPDATE: ‘Light ‘Em Up:’ Paintball Tim? Ed Morrissey writes, “The entire episode speaks to Walz’ utter incompetence as an executive in the public sector. He’s an authoritarian whose instincts run to either inaction or over-reaction. His pandemic management speaks volumes in that regard, especially his COVID-19 Snitch Line and his vicious punishment for those who dared defy his authoritarian rule by decree. Just ask Lisa Hanson, who served most of a 90-day jail sentence for trying to re-open her coffee and wine bistro…The Walz administration was still prosecuting these cases in December 2021. By that time, practically the entire country had reopened. Even most of Minnesota had reopened by that time. Rather than drop the case as moot, the state threw a business owner in jail for two months, which is about two months longer than nearly all of the rioters got. That’s how authoritarian Walz is by nature, and that’s the Tim Walz that Republicans need to expose.”

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