by AC
I can’t afford to survive anymore. Groceries are $1200 a month.
Today I spent $500 trying to get my tags renewed. Property taxes ran me $500 and all I own are 2 vehicles, one of them is an old ass Honda.
Go to get tags and they tell me I owe $100 fee for not maintaining insurance. But I have kept insurance on the only vehicle I drive. The other one has had a busted transmission for 6 months. That’s gonna cost $4200 to fix!
So I tell them that. They claim I’m supposed to notify them of such things. But if I can prove I wasn’t driving it they’ll wave the fee. How about they prove I was driving it. What if I had a field full of cars? Is it to be assumed I’m driving them all unless I can prove otherwise?
Every time I turn around there’s some asshole from the government wanting money that I don’t have. I can’t afford to feed my family! How about some foodstamps? It’s the government that created this inflation.
I’m self employed, but only for a couple more weeks. Five years ago I felt modestly prosperous, but that’s long gone. I’ve been slipping behind since Biden took office. Had to cancel my health insurance because it got to be unaffordable. Now I’m actually having health problems and need insurance so I’m going to go to work for if you can believe it…the same shitty government I’m bitching about because unless you’re living off other people’s taxes these days you can’t afford to live.
Fees and dues and penalties and fines and taxes for everything under the sun. As I go hungry people all across the world benefit from my decades of hard work. It’s worse than a nightmare. I can’t even spare the money or time to go deer hunting.
I know there’s millions just like me. If Trump can’t fix this shit in a couple years shits about to get real.
I am so mad I just want to cry. I’ve been trying to buy my kid a crossbow for months. Months! And I can’t produce the measly $200 to pull it off. This is not living. This is servitude to a system that doesn’t give a fuck about us.