Several current and former Pentagon officers who have made their careers off sending heroic American soldiers off to die in disastrous foreign wars may be about to meet their comeuppance courtesy of the incoming Trump administration.
NBC News dropped an explosive report Saturday night revealing that the Trump transition team is making a list of those involved in the catastrophic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan and determining whether they can be court-martial for their failures. These include both current and former officials.
According to the outlet, Trump officials see creating a commission as one possible avenue to thoroughly investigate the withdrawal, including who was involved and how the assignment was carried out. Charges for those involved that could be as serious as treason against America, the highest possible crime.
From NBC:
The Trump transition team is compiling a list of senior current and former U.S. military officers who were directly involved in the withdrawal from Afghanistan and exploring whether they could be court-martialed for their involvement, according to a U.S. official and a person familiar with the plan.
Officials working on the transition are considering creating a commission to investigate the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, including gathering information about who was directly involved in the decision-making for the military, how it was carried out, and whether the military leaders could be eligible for charges as serious as treason, the U.S. official and person with knowledge of the plan said.
“They’re taking it very seriously,” the person with knowledge of the plan said.
NBC further reports that Matt Flynn, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for counternarcotics and global threats, is helping lead the project. It’s also likely that Trump Secretary of Defense nominee Pete Hegseth will become involved, assuming the Senate confirms him.
Hegseth has vociferously blasted the withdrawal on multiple occasions. As NBC notes, he called for the generals involved in the Afghanistan debacle to be fired while demanding a radical overhaul of the Pentagon.
“The next president of the United States needs to radically overhaul Pentagon senior leadership to make us ready to defend our nation and defeat our enemies, Hegseth wrote in his book “The War on Warriors.” “Lots of people need to be fired. The debacle in Afghanistan, of course, is the most glaring example.”
“These generals lied. They mismanaged. They violated their oath. They failed. They disgraced our troops, and our nation. They got people killed, unnecessarily,” he added. “And, to this moment, they keep their jobs. Worse, they continue to actively erode our military and its values — by capitulating to civilians with radical agendas. They are an embarrassment, with stars still on their shoulders.”
Indeed. Just over three years ago, the Taliban seized Kabul, causing the Afghan government to collapse, and the Biden-Harris administration, along with his sycophantic military officers, carried out a quick evacuation from Afghanistan, which was completed at the end of August. This led to the deaths of 13 brave soldiers whose families Biden has openly disrespected.
Thousands of Afghan interpreters and working dogs were also abandoned for the Taliban to slaughter in cold blood.
Assuming Team Trump follows through on their court-martial plans, General Mark “White Rage” Milley may be under the microscope.
As TGP readers know, Milley’s leadership has been called into question for multiple incidents. First, Milley made two calls to an official in China’s People’s Liberation Army just months before Trump left office, assuring our most formidable adversary that he would give advance warning if the US were ever going to attack the communist nation.
Milley also made headlines for surrendering Afghanistan and arming the Taliban with $85 billion in US military equipment. Before fleeing Afghanistan in a rush in the fall of 2021, Biden armed the Taliban terrorist organization with approximately $80 billion in US weapons.
The White House and Pentagon have never admitted to how many billion dollars worth of weapons they left behind for the Islamist group.
Given these facts, it’s no wonder Milley is scared Trump will keep his promise to recall him to uniform and court-martial him for his deceitful actions. The others involved in the worst foreign policy disaster should also be terrified.