Another shocking allegation involving the Secret Service could potentially endanger President Trump’s life further following two assassination attempts.
Counter-extremism researchers with the Justice Report say they have discovered that a lifelong anarchist, left-wing extremist, and devout follower of Anfifa is working as a Secret Service agent. Moreover, the individual reportedly has made a series of disgusting comments regarding Trump.
The Gateway Pundit will NOT be naming the alleged Secret Service agent until we confirm the person’s identity.
The supposed agent has a series of ugly posts under the since-deleted account /u/endon40 on the leftist social media forum Reddit where he calls the American electorate “chodes” and Nazis who voted for a man with “Nazi-a** policies.”
“These chodes are cowards and won’t win, no matter how long it takes to pry them from power if they manage to cheat their way back to it,” the Anifa sympathizer wrote. “The survival rate of fascist dictatorships trends towards zero.”
“They voted for a dude who has Nazi-a**policies and who surrounds himself with people who do, including actual neo-Nazis,” he added, “When you’re willing to (vote Trump) and support a guy who has policies mirroring the Third Reich and again, had actual neo nazis around him, you’re a Nazi.

The Justice Report also states the alleged agent admits to being a lifelong radical and fan of infamous 20th-century Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin, whose books continue to inspire anarcho-communism, including street violence and other acts of domestic terror.
The outlet also notes the Antifa sympathizer additionally boasts he is a “walking talking infoshop” of anarchist political theory and praises antifascists for turning him against conservatives courtesy of multiple leftist podcasts.
Upon learning about the horrifying report, Real Clear Politics National Correspondent Susan Crabtree contacted the agency for comment. Secret Service spokesman Anthony Gugilielmi responded to her by saying they had launched an investigation.
The U.S. Secret Service recently became aware of alleged social media posts by an employee that have prompted an internal review,” Gugilielmi said in a statement. “We are taking this matter seriously, and this employee’s assigned duties have been modified while this review is underway.”
If this report by The Justice Report is accurate, there is an open communist assigned to protecting the president-elect from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Does anyone believe that he would take a bullet for Trump?
The Secret Service Director selection will be one of the most critical appointments President Trump will make.