Cairns News ranked nine out of 50 best Australian net news sites –

Cairns News ranked nine out of 50 best Australian net news sites –

We have great news for Cairns News readers after 12 years of dedicated publishing allowing us to grow to where we are now without one cent of support until six months ago, thanks to generous readers who understand the need for such a site in Australia.

Cairns News is officially ranking number nine in the independent news sites across Australia.

Research found the site “offers a variety of news articles covering topics such as COVID-19, government agendas, climate change, voting fraud, and more. Recent posts include discussions on US politics, environmental issues, healthcare, and international relations.”

Without our dedicated, many thousands of readers (16,367 readers visited the site Tuesday between 7am and 4 pm) we could not have achieved bringing the real news to a world-wide audience.

It has been a challenging environment when volunteers were ill or absent, often with a staff of one, but we soldiered on. Fortunately we have one of the best IT experts available in Australia today who has shaped the site for many years, keeping out intruders and maintaining the site.

However our experienced writers, researchers and IT expert have not become any younger and we will soon be forced to ask for experienced volunteer writers.

We have agreed to run a limited number of advertisements to generate some much needed income to pay site fees, subscriptions, new equipment and running expenses.

There has never been any recompense for volunteers. But in this Queensland election year and with a US election as well, the outcomes of which will have a significant bearing on Australia’s fortunes, we will need more experienced writers and researchers.

Of course your normal run-of-the-mill News Ltd or ABC journo would never dare to publish the real truth so finding some help might not be easy.

If the advertising continues we would be in a position to financially assist volunteer writers with subscriptions or equipment, and maybe some remuneration down the track.

Regarding advertisers we will only accept like-minded businesses who are involved with the freedom movement and those who come to us. We have never sought any advertising.

There it is readers we flogged most of MSM with net news and continue to do so.

We have posted the link

and would like to thank Anuj Agarwal of Journalists Feedspot Australian News Websites for his amazing research.

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