Woke Ohio High School Principal Sparks Uproar After Sending Outrageous Message to Staffers Following Trump’s Landslide Win – Is Placed on Paid Leave | The Gateway Pundit

Woke Ohio High School Principal Sparks Uproar After Sending Outrageous Message to Staffers Following Trump’s Landslide Win – Is Placed on Paid Leave | The Gateway Pundit
Woke Ohio High School Principal Sparks Uproar After Sending Outrageous Message to Staffers Following Trump’s Landslide Win – Is Placed on Paid Leave | The Gateway Pundit
Monica Asher, the principal of Olentangy Orange High School in Ohio, was suspended after sending staff members an outlandish newsletter following Trump’s election victory. (Credit: Monica Asher Linkedin)

A woke Ohio high school principal who once won “principal of the year” finds herself in hot water after sending an outlandish, social justice platen message to crybaby staffers following Trump’s landslide victory.

As WSYX reported, Monica Asher, the principal of Olentangy Orange High School in Lewis Center, Ohio, sent a newsletter to school staffers last Sunday addressing the 2024 election’s outcome. Asher wrote that she “struggled this week to find the right words” to say before mournfully coddling the staffers.

“I have struggled this week to find the right words for the SOP,” Asher stated at the beginning of the newsletter. “I can’t write a message that pretends like the election didn’t happen; especially when so many of you are struggling with how to move forward. I know you are struggling with how to move forward with your students who are afraid, but also how to move forward with colleagues that don’t share your views.”

In her letter, Asher then whined about the supposed “pain” and “division” resulting from President Trump’s victory.

“This week, I saw pain, uncertainty, and division. I have to be honest, I am not entirely sure how to tell you how to move forward. What I can tell you is that I am here with you and my values have not changed. I recognize that leadership is tested during tough times…anyone can lead when it is easy and I grew up not wanting to be just anyone. I grew up wanting to be someone. Someone who made a difference.”

Asher added that Orange must show “compassion and respect to those around us, which is a priority, where we recognize the humanity, dignity, and worth in every person we meet.” She then drew an analogy of buffalo moving through a storm to confront the “dangers” ahead.

“There is a lot that I don’t know, but here is what I do know: I know we have a building full of people who love kids and who want to make a difference,” she wrote. “That said, I ask you to join me and move like buffalo through a storm. Rather than running away from a storm, buffalo typically face it head-on.”

“They take stock of the direction the storm is moving, gather together with their herd, and move directly into it. They stick together for protection, with the stronger individuals leading and guiding the group, ensuring that the younger and weaker members are kept safe. Moving towards a storm seems a little strange, but they do this because they know that the first place where there will be light is directly on the other side of the storm clouds.”

Here is the full letter:

Credit: Monica Asher Facebook)

What makes this letter even more outrageous is Asher was selected as the Ohio principal of the year just last year and currently serves as the president of the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators. This makes one wonder how much worse, if any, the other school principals in Ohio are.

Unsurprisingly, Asher’s pathetic letter was ripped to shreds on X, and many users called for her firing.

District administrators released a statement on Thursday that they have placed Asher on leave while an investigation is conducted.

“Olentangy Orange High School principal Monica Asher has been placed on paid administrative leave effective Thursday, November 14, 2024. Administrative leave is a procedural step to protect the integrity of any district investigation,” they wrote. “Olentangy Schools is committed to creating a welcoming environment that promotes a culture of inclusive excellence for all students, families, and staff.”

“Because this is an ongoing investigation, Olentangy Schools cannot provide additional comment.”

One can imagine that if Asher had been a conservative and mocked staffers for acting like babies, the immediate outcome would have been harsher for her. But the rules only really apply to one side in this country.

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