WINNING: Supreme Court Rules 9-0 to Keep Trump on Ballot

WINNING: Supreme Court Rules 9-0 to Keep Trump on Ballot

Last Updated on March 4, 2024

In a unanimous 9-0 ruling, the Supreme Court has blocked states from removing 45th President Trump from the ballot, restoring the right of American citizens to vote for him in states like Colorado, where activist judges appointed by radical Democrats took unprecedented, illegal steps to rig the election by removing the candidate that polls say is the most popular choice to lead America.

The Supreme Court ruled on Monday morning, just one day before the Super Tuesday primaries, that states cannot use the uni-party’s phony J6 narrative to remove 45th President Trump, or anyone else for that matter, from their presidential primary and general election ballots, saying that doing so is a violation of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The ruling not only affects places like Colorado and Maine, where Trump was actually removed from the ballot, but it ends efforts in at least 30 states around the country to do the same.

Politically Motivated: Every Member of Colorado Supreme Court Was Appointed by Democrats

In the unanimous ruling, the Justices wrote that “nothing in the Constitution” requires the United States to endure the “chaos” of politically charged efforts to kick eligible Presidential candidates off the ballot, and specifically pushed back on the phony justification that Trump led an “insurrection” on January 6th, 2021, (something he hasn’t been convicted of or even charged with) when demonstrators took to Washington, D.C. in protest of one of the biggest election fraud operations in world history.

As mentioned, the 9-0 ruling comes just one day before Super Tuesday, when voters will select their presidential preference in 16 states.

It also comes as the Biden Administration ramps up efforts to meddle in the 2024 election, using the power and pocketbook of the federal government to register as many Democrat voters as possible and to shut down the election integrity movement in blatant violation of the Constitution’s 10th Amendment.

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