WHO Monkeypox scare campaign a ‘Classical psychological bioterrorism script’ Dr Robert Malone – www.cairnsnews.org

WHO Monkeypox scare campaign a ‘Classical psychological bioterrorism script’ Dr Robert Malone – www.cairnsnews.org

By Dr Robert Malone

There is no question that there has been a concerted campaign to raise awareness and promote fear of this virus. In other words, there is no question in my mind that there has been a promoted PR campaign around Clade 1b MPox. And this propaganda campaign has followed the classical psychological bioterrorism script described by former Soviet-Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) intelligence officer Dr. Alexander Kouzminov.

Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA
vaccines warns against WHO

For example, see the work of Jon Cohen, who writes for the AAAS publication Science Magazine and never seems to miss an opportunity to promote various lucrative academic and industrial agendas—such as mRNA vaccines. After what we were all able to document during the COVID crisis, as far as I am concerned, “Science” magazine is best considered to be a propaganda outlet designed to support the academic/pharmaceutical industrial complex.

For example, this piece which breathlessly states the obvious and well-known –

Amid Congo’s deadliest mpox outbreak, a new worry: virus has become sexually transmissible
A related viral strain caused a global mpox outbreak in men who have sex with men

Or this recent Fearporn classic, pushed out on the heels of the latest Tedros declaration-

Rattled by mpox surge in Africa, WHO declares a global health emergency—again
Two years after global outbreak, rapid spread of new variant on the African continent triggers fresh alarm

Which was closely followed by this PsyWar bioterrorism propaganda gem-

The untold story of how Nigeria’s mpox outbreak sparked a worldwide epidemic

WHO and Tedros start their next plandemic


Mpox circulated in Nigeria for 8 years before it sparked a global outbreak. What happened? And could it have been stopped?

Having watched him for years and met with him personally in the past, I have reached the point where I wonder who Jon’s “Mockingbird” press handler is over at Langley, VA.


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