Where now are all the noble journalists who lectured us on protecting democracy and the rule of law?

Where now are all the noble journalists who lectured us on protecting democracy and the rule of law?

So, That’s Why Bob Casey Didn’t Concede the PA Senate Race.


The Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race is over, even as this circus gets bogged down in a recount. It’s been over for quite some time, as incumbent Democratic Sen. Bob Casey doesn’t have the votes to win. There are also not enough outstanding votes for him to overcome Republican Dave McCormick’s near-30,000 vote lead. A good chunk of the provisional ballots will be rejected, which is why everyone, including Democrats, knows that Casey lost and should concede. He refuses to do so, allowing liberal attorney Marc Elias to find ways to steal this race. . . .

In this instance, we have direct evidence that Democrats are playing games to rob McCormick. It’s being argued right now. They want ballots with no dates, no signatures, and from people who don’t live in the proper county or even the state to count. It’s the Democratic Party’s blueprint for every contested race. And now, Bucks County Democrats have voted to count those illegal ballots. Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted to defy the state’s Supreme Court in this matter, where Marseglia pretty much says she didn’t care what the courts say.




h/t Glenn


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