WATCH LIVE: Trump Campaign to Host Super Tuesday Election Night Watch Party in Palm Beach, Florida – TRUMP ADDRESSES THE CROWD AFTER MASSIVE WINS | The Gateway Pundit

WATCH LIVE: Trump Campaign to Host Super Tuesday Election Night Watch Party in Palm Beach, Florida – TRUMP ADDRESSES THE CROWD AFTER MASSIVE WINS | The Gateway Pundit

The Trump campaign is hosting an election night watch party tonight, awaiting the results of 15 Super Tuesday primary elections across the nation.

Trump is already destroying Nikki Haley with 273 delegates to her measly 43. 1,215 delegates needed to win the GOP nomination for President.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier on Trump’s latest win, a decisive victory in the North Dakota caucuses on Monday with the most votes at all 12 caucus sites in the state.

According to the AP, Trump’s most recent triumph grants him an additional 29 delegates, bolstering his already substantial lead in the primary race.

Trump Secures Another Primary Victory, Dominates North Dakota Caucuses

Trump has won nine of ten primary contests to date with only one setback in the Washington D.C. primary last weekend, where neocon former UN Ambassador and former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley became the official darling of the swamp and won a participation trophy. It makes sense that Haley would win in liberal Washington D.C. when a new poll by Sienna-NY Times found that NEARLY HALF of Nikki’s support is from Biden voters!

Despite losing almost every primary so far to Trump, Haley has vowed to stay in the race and is apparently betting on wins today. Haley also pulled back on her promise to endorse her former boss, Donald Trump – and suggested she may stay in the primary race until July.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Nikki Haley blew up on Fox and Friends this morning when asked why she keeps flip-flopping on supporting President Trump when he wins the primary.

One might think that Haley is secretly backing Joe Biden and only staying in this race to drain GOP resources before the general election.

Results in Vermont and Virginia are expected when polls close at 7 pm ET, followed by North Carolina at 7:30 pm ET.

Next, the polls for Alabama, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Tennessee close at 8 pm, followed by Arkansas at 8:30 pm.

The Polls in Colorado, Minnesota, and Texas close at 9 pm ET, California and Utah at 11 pm ET, and finally, Alaska at midnight tonight!

Watch live below via Right Side Broadcasting Network below:

The Donald J. Trump for President Campaign will host an Election Night Watch Party in Palm Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 7:30 pm ET.

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