The imminent collapse of Great Britain

The imminent collapse of Great Britain

A series of bizarre developments that have unfolded in Great Britain over the last few weeks suggest that its financial system came to the verge of collapse, probably as a consequence of Ukraine’s debt default. The last thing the people in power will tell us is the truth, but if we dig in dark places and connect the dots, I believe the conclusion practically makes itself. The consequences for Britain, and probably for “his majesty’s” other dominions will be extreme. Let’s dive in…

The riots that weren’t (quite)
The stabbings of three young girls (6, 7, and 9 years of age) that happened in Southport, UK on 29 July apparently unleashed widespread rioting and clashes in Britain, notably between the immigrant Muslim community and what PM Keir Starmer called, right-wing thugs. The authorities’ reaction has been nothing short of Orwellian including a radical and ongoing crackdown on free speech.

But it would appear that the riots and clashes haven’t been quite as widespread or as violent as the media portrayed them to be. In a recent podcast, Alexander Mercouris pointed out that not only did everything seem calm in London, but that a number of his friends and acquaintances around the UK all told him the same, even for the cities where rioting had been reported. Could it be that the government overreacted and exaggerated the threat in order to justify stepping up its authoritarian control which is now gripping Britain?

Rather than appealing for calm, the government’s messaging clearly aimed at intimidating the population. The UK’s Home Office warned that “Actions have consequences,” and boasted that over 1,000 arrests have been made thus far. British courts already sentenced many people to stiff prison terms for wrongthink expressed on social media and they made sure that these sentences got wide publicity.

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