The Amazing Clark County Election Certification S#%T Show | The Gateway Pundit

The Amazing Clark County Election Certification S#%T Show | The Gateway Pundit

Guest post by Martel Maxim and originally published at – republished with permission.

Let’s face it, Clark County, and especially Las Vegas, is not well known for its Godly Honesty.

The witnessing of the November 15th Special Meeting intended to Certify the 2024 Election was like watching a Mafia Movie where all the Crime Bosses testify how they don’t know anything about the questions they’re being asked.

Notably absent were a couple of Commissioners, one of whom is Tick Segerblom, a radical leftist who embraces the Drag Queen Story Hour idea.

The other was Justin Jones, who had legal problems and was a close associate with Harry Reid. Yes, the same Harry Reid who was Ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s close associate, but I digress.

All the other Commissioners present tried to play the worn-out game of hiding behind ‘decorum’ with the attendees and sat straight-faced as one attendee after another cited specific examples of how the election was a manipulated sham.

If you want to watch some real entertainment (better than Jerry Springer), here’s the link to the replay.

Unfortunately, they did a little video editing in the beginning and removed the uproar that resulted when the Vice-Chair announced that the Standard 3 minutes allowed for Public Comment had been unilaterally shortened to 1 minute by them, despite it specifically stating in their meeting rules that speakers have 3 minutes. This, of course, threw everybody off from their planned presentations, and the people were angry.

Incidentally, that was probably an illegal time change they made, but at a minimum, it demonstrates the lack of respect they have for the common citizens, many of which took vacation time from work to attend.

Also, the Commissioners didn’t begin the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, so a local Pastor instead led it….and wouldn’t you know, all the Commissioners remained seated and didn’t participate.

Disgusting is a good word that comes to mind, and the reader may have some other thoughts on the subject.

One after another (probably at least 50), attendees articulated similar tales of observed wrongdoing, numbers not adding up, and blatant corruption based on what they had witnessed firsthand.

Also, quite a few of these reports came from official Poll Watchers. The testimony of all these Patriots should have given the Commissioners at least some pause on Certifying the Election, however no such luck.

Next, and all of a sudden, proponents of Certification began appearing out of nowhere to speak (by the way, these speakers also remained seated during the Pledge of Allegiance).

The words of these ‘plants’ robotically repeated general lies describing how the Election Workers did such a great job, and thus implying ‘nothing to see here’.

Heck, that’s a great reason right there to certify an election, while simultaneously ignoring the voices of the many people who protested and pleaded for the Commissioners to consider their hard evidence of wrongdoing before certifying. See for yourself on the video, you won’t regret it.

There were a number of Superstars who brought the reality down to earth for these Commissioners to consider, but it was like these concerned people just didn’t exist in their eyes. Go to 1:10:35 to catch the spirit of a very articulate presenter.

Right on cue, the moment of truth arrived when they voted, and wouldn’t you know it, unanimous approval to Certify was granted.

What a twisted world we live in, as these were largely a group of Trump Supporters who felt the need to speak about Election Fraud, even though their Candidate Trump won!

I wonder if any Democrat supporters would have shown up to speak about Election Fraud had Harris won. Makes you wonder about the whole thing.

Of course, the entire local ecosystem spotlighted today was only the tail of the dog of the entire election fraud ecosystem, which was built from the ground up to cheat.

A few presenters even repeated President Trump’s warning that those who participate in Election Fraud will be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That warning didn’t phase the Commissioners a bit. Either they know something we don’t, or they’re amongst the stupidest people to walk the earth.

Old habits die hard, and what we witnessed today was, as Steve Bannon puts it, “the primal scream of a dying regime”.

Too bad for them they don’t recognize that the rules have now changed with the “new Sheriff in town”.

In a way, all the concerned attendees were actually pleased by the dead-pan corrupt certification of the election, because we have been trying to wake these people up for years to no avail. Soon they will wake up.

The Commissioners were served with a metaphorical piece of rope that they will all systematically hang themselves with in the coming months, because this fraudulent certification will not escape the new Justice Department.

This is analogous to the “Swamp Draining Itself”; as of today, they (and likely many others in similar dynamics around the Country) have become their own worst enemy by Certifying their fraudulent elections. In other words, they are now forced into waking themselves up.

The only thing to save us all is to end the entire election fraud ecosystem, consisting of Mailed out Ballots, Early Voting, Election Systems that connect to external networks including the internet, the illegal software Algorithms within the machines that purposely Select (not Elect) Chosen Candidates (see the Forensic reports from Mesa County,CO Election Clerk Tina Peters, and also watch the 1 hour documentary Selection Code).

The insane ‘laws’ that allow for counting ballots long after Election Day, even if they are not Postmarked, must also be gone. Could it be any worse??

We have about a year to get HONEST systems in place in order to have HONEST Mid-Term Elections in 2026. As predicted, most if not all down-ballot races are NOT nearly “Too Big To Rig”, and it took another actual “Red Tsunami” to end up with the Red Ripple just a week ago, just like we experienced in 2022. Now, do you understand a bit more about how elections are stolen in our computer age?

Hand Count Paper Ballots, only Election Day Voting, Voter ID, and Counting in Public is the only answer to save America. That journey to success began TODAY with the “Big Commissioner’s Reveal”.

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