“Right now, the average person feels like they’re in a recession because the REAL economy IS in a recession.”

“Right now, the average person feels like they’re in a recession because the REAL economy IS in a recession.”

Former asset manager
drives this point home, highlighting that real wage growth is at negative 2%.

What this means in simple terms is that people have 2% LESS buying power through their wages than they did just a year ago.

This economic reality paved the way for Trump’s victory because no matter how much Americans were gaslit into believing the economy was “good,” they could feel the harsh truth in their wallets.

With respect to the economy, Dowd predicts hard times ahead. He says things could unravel any time “between now and March.”

“By then, the financial markets will have to wake up to the reality the average person is already feeling. I’ve never seen such manipulation and fraud in government statistics in my entire career,” he said.


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