Sunday 5th May | 10:00 am
Freedom Park @ Cairns Esplanade (North of Muddy’s Playground)
JOIN concerned citizens protecting democracy and basic freedoms that the Uni-party is trying to kill through combining these legislation & systems:
• Identity Verification bill — passed parliament;
• Digital Identity bill — paused in parliament due to strong public opposition;
• Misinformation/Disinformation censorship bill — paused in parliament;
• New Payments Platform — in use & tracking every digital financial transaction;
• Digital global currency — Reserve Bank admits developing this with central banks.
If people allow the Liberal-Labor Uni-party to continue with Digital ID and Mis/Disinformation Bills, the Uni-party will hand globalists the foundation for a Social Credit System that will control every aspect of our lives.
Send a strong message to MPs: NO Digital ID bill, NO censorship bill.
Please consider signing the petition: