Kamala’s Election Contributions in Kind from other Nations | The Gateway Pundit

Kamala’s Election Contributions in Kind from other Nations | The Gateway Pundit

In 2019, the Democrats played the victim with hysteria over the untrustworthiness of Election Machines that would likely alter the outcome of the November 2020 Election.  Democrat legislators raised the alarm in hearing after hearing.

PBS Television, Rolling Stone, and the Movie “Kill Chain” used mass psychosis to run report after report of the impending election disaster.  And then after November 2020, suddenly anyone who dared question anything was an Election Denier.

This time around, the fraud is being played out before the election with little attempt to conceal or deceive.

The ace in the hole for this election to make sure Kamala receives three billion votes (the approximate number of Social Security Numbers stolen) are the contribution’s in kind from Illegal Aliens, Iran / Five Eyes Partners, and American NGOs laundering foreign donations.

 Buying the Votes of Illegal Immigrants

Industrial level ballot production will be enabled by the flood of illegals across the open Southern Border.  Apparently enough aren’t coming so States like California, New York, and Massachusetts are bribing them with largesse looted out of the treasuries.

The supermajority of Democrats in the California Legislature are likely to pass a bill that will give $150,000 to illegal aliens to purchase a home (they like to call them “undocumented immigrants).  It sounds preposterous – but is true.

The state is bleeding population, tax receipts are falling, State debt is exploding, quality of life is collapsing, but the Legislature wants to give money they don’t have to illegal aliens.

In Massachusetts, Governor Healey is unable to account for $1 Billion Dollars in spending on illegal aliens flooding the state.  It seems ludicrous, but the GOP members of the Massachusetts Legislature cannot obtain truth on how $1 Billion Dollars was spent.

In New York, the freak show of Mayor Eric Adams is slashing spending for citizen services to give $10,000 debit cards to migrants.

The frenzy of spending to entice illegal migrants from other countries provides the mass of bodies to bring to the Department of Motor Vehicles to sign up the illegals as new voters exploiting the 1993 Motor Voter Law while Blue DMVs pretend to check 18USC611.

Trump Campaign Documents stolen by Iran, stolen back by Five Eyes, shared with Kamala’s Campaign?

Shortly after the April 2024 missile shoot out with Iran, there were coded hints at Five Eyes cyber intervention (the Five English Speaking nations of the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).

According to three Administration Officials, “Roughly 50% of the ballistic missiles fired by Iran failed to launch or crashed before reaching their target”.

The generally accepted number of launches by Iran was 350, so from this comment, this may mean that a further 350 missiles being prepared for launch by Iran perhaps blew up on the launch pad.

The possible “Five Eyes” coordinated cyber efforts to disrupt the Iranian launch process likely leveraged launch process vulnerabilities.

The liquid fueled ballistic missile inventory of Iran is still significant and the fueling process, especially in underground, bunkered spaces, is dangerous even during peacetime training conditions.

The wrong valve turned at the wrong time could be catastrophic and likely the process used Industrial Control Systems connected to the Internet.

This Five Eyes cyber capability could also mean that if Iran has stolen any Trump campaign documents, the Five Eyes group may have copies of those stolen Trump documents and that through a replay of the infamous unmasking episode of 2016 led by Susan Rice, these Trump documents may now be in the hands of the Harris Campaign.

Special Prosecutor John Durham showed that 2016’s Russia, Russia, Russia cry was an election interference hoax.  This time the operation seems to be very real and possibly mortal.

The Open Back Door:  Weak IRS rules on Non-Profits Receiving Foreign Donations

The developing Optica scandal is an explosive revelation of the role of Non-Profits and how they are immense laundering opportunities for foreign interests to inject money to influence American policy and politics.

An obscure non-profit, Optica “carries out charitable activities in support of the society’s student and early career communities. We cultivate the next generation of leaders and innovators”.

Optica focuses on advanced technology development in the high technology optics and photonics field.  What does this have to do with elections – everything.

The Chief Executive Officer of Optica is stepping down because it has been revealed that the Chinese Intelligence front company, Huawei, has been donating significant sums to Optica.

This is a case study in the lack of effective Internal Revenue regulations that ensure transparency on international donations into non-profits.  Non-profits have become the not-so-secret way in which Soros, Arabella, China, Iran, and others can super charge Democrat, Progressive, and Communist causes by flooding funds into America.

Non-profits are the wide-open loading dock to get money into America lawfully, but then re-directed for malign purposes.

The IRS rules on non-profits only tangentially reference the need to ensure the non-profits check the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) list of sanctioned entities and individuals to be sure that the acceptance of the gift would not violate an existing prohibition.

I can assure you that most non-profits have no idea what the OFAC list is and with almost zero audits of this topic by the IRS or Department of Treasury, this is the decisive way to throw the American Election.

The UPenn Biden Center (a non-profit) that generated the largest election fraud ever with the 51 Intel Officer Letter in the 2020 Election was the poster child for this gaping hole in the fence line of America.

The outcome of the 2024 election will likely not be determined by Americans – but by Foreign Nationals.  Kamala and Team are apparently fine with that.

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