EAT IT, GRISWOLD: Trump Wins Colorado Where Radical Left Secretary of State Attempted to Remove Him From The Ballot | The Gateway Pundit

EAT IT, GRISWOLD: Trump Wins Colorado Where Radical Left Secretary of State Attempted to Remove Him From The Ballot | The Gateway Pundit

Trump has won his tenth race of the night, being projected as the winner of Colorado’s presidential primary race.

Colorado revealed itself as the enemy of free and fair elections when the Colorado Supreme Court kicked President Trump off of their ballot for so-called crimes of insurrection. Thankfully, the United States Supreme Court corrected the effort supported by Colorado Secretary of State Jenna Griswold in a UNANIMOUS 9-0 decision!

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Supreme Court said the states lack the power to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution against Presidential candidates.

“For the reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States. The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court therefore cannot stand,” the high court’s ruling said.

This was is a direct rebuke of the clowns on the Colorado Supreme Court who thought they had the right to choose the Republican candidate for the people this year – just like the Chi-Coms do in Hong Kong today. Mother China gets to vet the candidates in Hong Kong before the vote. US Democrats like that rule. They call it “democracy.”

The Gateway Pundit reported that on Tuesday, following the 9-0 Supreme Court ruling, Colorado’s radical Secretary of State Jenna Griswold declared on MSNBC that she knows the law better than ALL NINE Supreme Court Justices.

Clearly, the GOP voters in Colorado know what a psycho-Marxist and a threat to the Constitution this woman is.

Five states remain to be counted: California, Vermont, Minnesota, Utah, and Alaska.

Polls in California and Utah close at 11 pm ET, and finally, Alaska at midnight tonight.

President Trump is expected to speak at his campaign’s watch party later tonight as results continue trickling in. Watch live:

WATCH LIVE: Trump Campaign to Host Super Tuesday Election Night Watch Party in Palm Beach, Florida – Starting at 7:30 PM ET

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