Ear plugs sold out before Garrett gets to Cairns – www.cairnsnews.org

Ear plugs sold out before Garrett gets to Cairns – www.cairnsnews.org
Like an evil apparition out of the night, Midnight exactly, Garrett is soon to haunt the Far North

From our Tablelands correspondent

God help the Far North – Peter Garrett and his horrible, out-of-whack noise (do not confuse with music) is coming to Cairns to destroy a few more eardrums.

He is calling his new album True North and is releasing it March 15. Garrett would have as much idea about True North as a short-circuited GPS.

He should take his drumstick-wielding mob through Cape York Peninsula where he visited with the screwy Labor Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek three months ago trying to con Aborigines into signing up for a Cape York world heritage nomination.

The only drumsticks revered up there come all the way from Kentucky.

Slim Dusty and Troy Cassar-Daley are music icons of the Peninsula and Garrett would be thrown out on his ear if he terrorised Peninsula blackfellas with his tone deafening barrage.

Troy Cassar-Daley, icon of the Far North

But savvy blackfellas on the Peninsula have seen these UN minions come and go for decades selling snake oil on behalf of international interests.

They fought a similar concept but on a smaller scale 20 years ago under state communist party policies then led by carpetbagger and mafia bagman Peter Beattie, the illegitimate son of one of Australia’s rodeo greats and a cousin of a former Queensland National Party  leader.

Beattie hails from Atherton, but he only ever returned to his home town once while Labor Premier and was booted out in short time by angry residents who remembered his dodgy antics when a boy.

Premier Beattie in 2005, under instructions from the UN, enacted Wild Rivers policy which locked up hundreds of thousands of acres of rivers, deltas and catchments, a move which infuriated local blackfellas who relied on fishing and hunting to eke out an existence.

When Liberal hatchet man Campbell Newman was thrown into the ring as Premier in 2012, the conservatives threw out the UN dicta.

The rivers closure back then was planned as the forerunner to world heritage that Plibersek and Garrett are again pushing today on behalf of UNESCO in Paris trying to offset mining environmental concerns of the Brisbane latte set before the October state election.



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