Conservative Mark Robinson Wins Republican Primary in Race for Governor of North Carolina | The Gateway Pundit

Conservative Mark Robinson Wins Republican Primary in Race for Governor of North Carolina | The Gateway Pundit

Conservative Mark Robinson Wins Republican Primary in Race for Governor of North Carolina | The Gateway Pundit

Mark Robinson, the conservative Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, has won the Republican primary in the state’s race for governor.

A few weeks ago, RINOs in North Carolina were attacking Robinson for defending women’s bathrooms. Now it seems they were attacking him because they knew he was going to win.

Robinson is a true grassroots candidate who shot to fame by defending law abiding gun owners. Conservatives across the country adore him.

Townhall reports:

North Carolina’s First Black Governor Could Be A Republican as Mark Robinson Wins Nomination

Mark Robinson has already made history as North Carolina’s first black lieutenant governor, and he could soon make history as the state’s first black governor if he wins in November. On Tuesday night he won the Republican primary for governor, with the race being called by Decision Desk HQ less than half hour after the polls closed.

With an estimated 20 percent of the vote in, Robinson is over 40 points ahead of his closest competitor in the three person race. He currently enjoys 62.7 percent to Dale Folwell’s 19.1 percent.

Robinson enjoyed a lead in the polls for the nomination heading into Tuesday’s primary, and also recently received the endorsement of former and potentially future President Donald Trump at a rally on Saturday, after Trump had already pledged to do so. Robinson has also appeared at previous Trump rallies in North Carolina.

This is great news.

And now, on to November.

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