Carol Miller Misleads WV Voters, Uses 2018 Soundbites to Fake Trump Endorsement

Carol Miller Misleads WV Voters, Uses 2018 Soundbites to Fake Trump Endorsement

Last Updated on April 29, 2024

Besieged GOP incumbent Rep. Carol Miller (WV-1) has released a new campaign ad featuring mashed-up videos and soundbites to give voters the illusion that she’s been endorsed by President Trump for re-election. In reality, she hasn’t.

Bill Gates-aligned GOP incumbent Carol Miller is resorting to desperate and untrue tactics in her fight to hold onto her West Virginia congressional seat, where she faces an unprecedented grassroots challenge from J6 Patriot Derrick Evans. In recent weeks, Evans has raked in endorsements from the likes of Roger Stone, Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Bob Good, and the West Virginia oil and gas workers who are seeing their livelihoods be taken from them at the hands of the Green New Deal policies supported by Miller’s congressional voting record.

Remarkably, Miller’s misleading Trump advertisement comes despite the fact that she refused to endorse the 45th President in the GOP’s 2024 Presidential Primary contest – a decision that received blowback in the 1st District, which is one of the most pro-Trump, deep-red-voting blocs in the entire country.

Related: West Virginia Rep. Carol Miller Refuses to Endorse Trump, Faces Primary Challenge from J6 Patriot

Throughout her phony campaign advertisement, Rep. Carol Miller uses soundbites that are roughly SIX YEARS OLD in an attempt to endear herself to Trump and convince voters that he’s supporting her re-election effort.

Watch the Carol Miller Campaign Ad Below: 

Voters in West Virginia’s 1st District will head to the polls to select their congressional nominee on May 14th and as things currently stand, the race appears to be in a dead heat – but Evans is on the march. Recent polling data has shown the race within the margin of error, and at the turn of the New Year, Evans began outraising Miller, with a national base of support and excitement surrounding the possibility that a J6 Patriot could be returning to Washington, as an elected official.

The exposure of Miller’s left-wing voting record hasn’t helped her re-election bid either.

And, as National File exclusively reported last week, Carol Miller’s faux Trump endorsement isn’t the only falsehood being fed to voters by she and her surrogates:

The Susan B. Anthony List, also known as Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA), has endorsed Rep. Carol Miller (WV-1) for Congress in 2024, weeks ahead of a GOP Primary contest against J6 Patriot and grassroots challenger Derrick Evans. In their endorsement of Miller, SBA claimed that “Congresswoman Carol Miller never stops fighting for West Virginia’s pro-life values in Congress,” despite her pro-abortion voting record.

“That’s why she has a perfect A+ on our scorecard and endorsing her for re-election was an easy call,” the SBA endorsement went on. “Thank you for your pro-life, pro-MOM advocacy!” it concluded.

National File has made multiple attempts to reach SBA and other members of the supposedly Christian establishment inside the D.C. Beltway to discuss the group’s grading policy and to get their thoughts on Carol Miller’s support for abortion expansion, but those outreach efforts were rebuffed.

NATIONAL FILE EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Life Groups Endorse U.S. Rep Who Voted to Fund Abortion

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