Car goes in for maps upgrade – comes back with new terms of service – GeoFencing at government control added

Car goes in for maps upgrade – comes back with new terms of service – GeoFencing at government control added

#Geofencing and #geotiming on your car. Just a conspiracy theory right, that you could get your EV a shut down…. Maybe like when they want to lock down next. Or limit your mileage.

See also….

Testing Tech in Paradise: Queensland’s Sunshine Coast

Queensland’s Sunshine Coast has invested in the latest in data networking technology, making it the ideal location for testing and trialling new technologies and next generation digital services

Cutting-edge digital infrastructure for tech testing
The Sunshine Coast has invested heavily in its digital infrastructure. The master-planned CBD is a smart city, equipped with the latest data networking technology including Wi-Fi 6 and a city-wide deployment of fibre broadband, with LoRaWAN wireless network access points and pole infrastructure.

This infrastructure makes the Sunshine Coast CBD an ideal location for tech companies to test and trial their new technologies including AI automation testing, artificial intelligence software testing, augmented reality development and Internet of Things penetration testing.


Geofencing technology and pedestrian safety: Testing geofencing services using the Wi-Fi 6 network in the Maroochydore City Centre offers a unique opportunity to understand the possibilities of this technology, while also providing a high speed communication channel to escooter and electric bike riders.

Ubiquitous broadband communication in congested environments: With real-time monitoring of mobile devices, it’s now easier to track and manage the movement of large crowds and redirect people to less congested areas to ease overcrowding. This will be critical for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. With Wi-Fi 6, the Maroochydore CBD is an ideal location to test new tech for crowd management.

h/t Little Lost

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