Can Australia defend itself from the threat of China in the Indo-Pacific? –

Can Australia defend itself from the threat of China in the Indo-Pacific? –

China’s navy conducting maneuvers in the Pacific

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In a presentation to Institute of Public Affairs’ members, national security expert, Peter Jennings AO, discusses the strategic challenges facing Australia and the threat China poses to our region, including the Torres Strait.

Both sides of politics agree that Australia’s current strategic environment is the most challenging since the Second World War. Peter explains how Chinese leader Xi Jinping has ordered his military to be ready for war by 2027.

There are many difficult decisions that future Australian governments will face on strategy, budgets, alliances and partners, on understanding the threats we face and how we position our forces to meet them. The IPA and Strategic Analysis Australia is currently publishing new research that contains concrete and practical recommendations that will be achievable in the next term of government.

China has already started its planned military objective as mentioned by Peter Jennings in the video by sending advance parties in October to the Torres Strait looking for land at the Tip of Cape York and a seaport, fuel dump and acquisition of the Horn Island International airport.

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