Build Back Better conspiracy outed by our ever alert media! –

Build Back Better conspiracy outed by our ever alert media! –
The front cover of Los Angeles’ 2028 smart city plan published in 2020.

IF you were innocently naive and someone told you after your house burnt down to “build back better”, you might gratefully thank them for their encouragement.

But when those telling you to “build back better” all represent the global political elite and likely own a number of houses, you might begin to question their sincerity. You might even begin to sense at least a measure of condescension. Or you might even stoop to linking those statements to some sort of bizarre conspiracy.

The global media, we are pleased to inform you, has alerted Cairns News and our innocent readers to a conspiracy linked to that very phrase – build back better!

As it turns out, the advice to “build back better” is something of a slogan for the political elite. A media compilation by a fairly prominent social media user with the modest handle of “Concerned Citizen” has revealed this clearly.

First cab off the rank is UK Labor globalist Tony Blair, the mentor of New Zealand’s disgraced PM Jacinda Ardern, who says it’s “a very pertinent question to ask, how do we build back better?” He’s followed by none other than Greta Thunberg, who sounds like she was told to repeat the line: “…to build back better or whatever,” she says with a touch of cynicism. Why, we ask?

Then comes another UK politician who even managed to get the key word “re-set” in there: “And now we have a chance to re-set the clock and build back better than before,” she says, quite stridently. A true believer!

Then comes one of the US Democrat governors who repeats the same line: “… to build back better than before.” The synchronicity of these leaders’ thinking is astounding. We are impressed.

Next, one of our political superstars Hillary Clinton, reminds us of the Covid crisis “…as we try to build back from this global pandemic” while Speaker Nancy Pelosi reminds us that Joe Biden says build back better!

Should any Cairns News readers harbour doubts about this narrative, we urge you to listen on. The same phrase is repeated on video by Bill Clinton, Justin Trudeau, and Boris “Messy Hair” Johnson, the latter “Conservative” having convinced himself that “to build back better” is “to do things differently”. We beg to differ Mr PM. Have you not been listening to your global colleagues?

But it doesn’t stop with the Worshipful Brother Boris. There’s even more US Democrats “building back better” like Elizabeth Warren, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. There’s even alliteration involved here: Bill, Boris, Barack and Biden are all “buildin’ back”.

Should it surprise us also that Bill Gates has plans to build back the education system? How can one not be convinced by this towering intellect’s arm-flailing arguments, we ask you.

And then there’s the very trendy young lady from the UK Liberal Democrats who announces to the population she’s actually producing an entire booklet on how to …. yes, you guessed it … build back better!

And on it goes. There’s King Charles (and Prince Harry too) who likes the term “rethink and reset” and Herr Schwab also talking about his great reset, which he reckons it’s one step better than a plain old build-back. Should we also mention the OECD’s “policy response to Covid”? Yes, it’s the ubiquitous “BBB” and even the London Mayor Sadiq Kahn is in on it – although we must ask His Worship: What have you got to build back if it’s not burnt down yet?

But we do thank our UK Metro news site for alerting us with this headline: LA wildfires spark odd conspiracy theories disaster is part of ‘smart city’ plot! Yes indeed. It’s truly bizarre.

Metro journalist Sam Courtney-Guy informs us: “A number of wild claims have been touted, including one from none other than President-elect Donald Trump who said the fires are ‘all [the] fault’ of California Governor Gavin Newsom.

“Right-wingers have also seized on a video of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) firefighters to blame Democrats for allegedly diverting supplies to Ukraine.”

The journalist goes on: “One of the strangest theories which generated traffic online is that the fires were deliberately set in order to create ‘smart cities’” We can only share in the journalist’s exasperation. What on earth would prompt a person to think that “Smart Cities” had something to do with “building back better”!

Our intrepid Metro reporter then referenced others from the global fact-checking network, that does such a splendid job of making sure global narratives are correct: “Fact-checkers Politifact said Meta, which owns Facebook, Instagram and Threads, had flagged a number of posts which created a buzz around this idea.

“The posts made confused and sometimes inaccurate references to plans for improving planning, public transport and sustainability, loosely grouped under the term ‘smart cities’.” Shocking, we hasten to add, shocking!

Now who on earth, we ask, could see something sinister in improving planning, public transport and sustainability? Our Metro man continues: “A 2020 United Nations document called People-Smart Sustainable Cities defines the term as ‘an innovative city that uses information and communication technologies and other means to improve quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and competitiveness’.”

So there you have it, building back better and Smart Cities is a tenuous connection at best. We are certain that our leaders have only goodwill on their minds and in their hearts.

Of course, we cannot forget those 72,000 Los Angeles resident who had their fire insurance cancelled. Our fact checkers would agree that they should take comfort in the assurances from Governor Gaven Newsom and their one-time radical Marxist Mayor Karen Bass that they too are going to rebuild … better of course.

Governor Gav has assured all he will arrange to get welfare payments for the 100,000 Angelenos who lost their homes. He, with the help of the generous global financial community might even be able to make it a permanent thing – a universal income or global version of the Aussies’ NDIS – while they rebuild LA’s devastated suburbs into Chinese-style “low carbon footprint” apartment blocks.

And these bold, sustainable new apartment blocks won’t be standing in isolation. They’ll be built alongside all the smart infrastructure in the LA “Smart City” project (see inset) and wouldn’t you know it, it is already well into the planning stage! Indeed, how fortuitous. Take courage folks, the future is not so dim!

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