Blue State Considers $2,000 Bounties for People Who Rat out Their Neighbors for Wrongspeak

Blue State Considers ,000 Bounties for People Who Rat out Their Neighbors for Wrongspeak

A bill has moved through the Washington State Senate and House, and is headed to Governor Jay Inslee’s desk. Since he is an extreme Leftist with no respect for others, Inslee is expected to sign this bill, thus creating a statute that violates at least the following constitutional rights: 1) The right to confront your accuser; 2) Freedom of Speech; 3) Freedom of Thought, which is implied in the First Amendment; 4) Freedom of Religion; 5) Freedom of the Press, to name a few that quickly come to mind.


Senate Bill 5427, after it is signed into law, would allow private individuals (note: this is not limited to American citizens) to report “bias incidents*” (see definition below) to the State Attorney General’s Office, with the possibility of receiving up to $2,000 of taxpayers money for this noncriminal incident. The bill was very clear: this is a non-crime which they will then forward to local law enforcement to investigate. What’s to investigate? No crime, no investigation.

The Progressives & Marxists who sponsored this bill say it is intended to help “victims of hate crimes” before a crime even happens. Say what? In reality, SB 5427 would create a “tattletale hotline,” undermine legitimate criminal investigations, and freeze, not just chill, speech & the press in Washington State. People will stop talking to others and writing to others except very close friends & relatives, for fear a greedy “Karen” will report them to Washington’s version of the Gestapo.

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