🚨BREAKING: David Menzies sues Chrystia Freeland’s bodyguards

🚨BREAKING: David Menzies sues Chrystia Freeland’s bodyguards

Enough is enough. Today we sued Chrystia Freeland’s RCMP bodyguards for roughing up our reporter David Menzies. And we’ve retained two of Canada’s top lawyers to do it.

You can read the lawsuit for yourself right here. (Take a look at paragraphs 41 to 51 — they’ll make you furious.)

The lawsuit is only 18 pages long and it’s written in plain English, so it’s an easy read. Please take a look at it — I want you to see our case against the government.

We’ve assembled a dream team of some of Canada’s best lawyers. The lead lawyer is Lawrence Greenspon, a senior criminal lawyer from Ottawa. You probably know him as Tamara Lich’s lawyer, brilliantly defending her against the government’s prosecution for her role in the trucker convoy. And with him is Sarah Miller, a meticulous lawyer from Calgary. For four years she has been defending Pastor Artur Pawlowski against a barrage of nuisance prosecutions during the pandemic lockdowns.

I know these two lawyers well and there is no better legal team in the country.

David and I recently sat down with Lawrence to go through the lawsuit together. We made a video about it. It’s half an hour long, but if you are passionate about freedom and standing up to bullies in government, I think you’ll want to watch every minute of it, maybe even twice.

As you can see, this isn’t just about suing Freeland’s bodyguards for assault and false arrest. That’s in there of course. It’s also about showing the ongoing pattern of abuse that the government directs at Rebel News, including a previous assault on David, attacking our reporter Alexa Lavoie with batons and a riot gun, and a pattern of punishing us simply because we criticize Trudeau.

That’s our allegation: the assault on David was part of a sustained violation of our civil rights as journalists. And we’ve got mountains of evidence to prove it.

I think Freeland’s bodyguards just expect us to walk away. After they smashed David against the wall, handcuffed him, humiliated him and drove him away in a police car, they must have realized they were in trouble, because they dumped David off in some nearby parking lot and told him they weren’t going to proceed with charges against him.

Well, we’re not done with them.

If you can help us, please do. There’s no way this lawsuit will cost us less than $100,000. And the government will throw their unlimited resources against us. I bet they hire no fewer than four lawyers, at taxpayers’ expense, to try to stop us from getting justice.

But you know what? We’ve had enough. For more than eight years Trudeau’s thugs have pushed, shoved, punched, handcuffed, arrested and abused us — and then just walked away as if that’s normal in Canada. And certainly, the mainstream media doesn’t care.

But I care — both as David’s friend, and as a Canadian.

Please help me pay for this legal dream team, to send a message to Trudeau and his thugs: this is Canada, not his favourite country of Communist China. We have rights here, and police aren’t allowed to simply beat up journalists in the street.

We’ve chosen the best lawyers because we absolutely need to win this one.

Today is the day we fight back against Trudeau’s bullies. If you agree with this lawsuit, please help me level the playing field by chipping in a donation right here on this page.

NOTE: I’m almost done my new book — and it’s all about Trudeau. If you chip in $250 or more to help me cover David’s legal fees, I’ll hand-sign a copy of my book when it’s done next month, and personally ship it to you. That’s a win-win — you get a collector’s edition of my new book, and David gets the legal help he needs! Please join the fight today. (Thank you.)

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