Denmark, Finland, and Norway Graphs Show All-cause Mortality Kept Rising After the Shots Rolled Out
I got a tip from one of my colleagues that Denmark, Finland, and Norway had very similar vaccine policies. Mortality kept going up after the shots.
Executive summary
I heard from a scientist in Denmark that the death stats were flat until the shots rolled out.
She also said that Denmark stopped reporting daily deaths and has switched to reporting deaths quarterly. Does having less information lead to better health outcomes? Or are they hiding something? X
Similarly, in Norway, they stopped reporting COVID stats due to budget cuts; it had absolutely nothing to do with the numbers getting worse and worse (14X more COVID, 3X more hospitalisations, 3X as much death).
Here are the numbers. You decide. I think the numbers are pretty incriminating.
The chart

Excess deaths are relative to start of the period and excess is measured relative to a 2017-2019 baseline.
If what they are doing is working, cumulative excess deaths should turn around and fall back to zero. But this just doesn’t happen.
Deaths monotonically increase. This means that what they did either had no effect or made things worse.
How they can possibly claim success with numbers like these is a mystery to me.
The deaths started getting worse after the COVID shots rolled out. If it wasn’t the COVID shots, what is fueling the monotonic rise in excess deaths?
It can’t be “this was due to lack of access to healthcare during lockdowns” since that was turned on after the shots rolled out which means the numbers should have started going down after the shots rolled out. That’s why they never show you any numbers and correlation coefficients for their “explanation.’
Here is the original graph I got from my friend. Notice how similar the shapes are and that it flatlines at the same time. Nature simply doesn’t work like that in different countries. These are essentially man-made effects.
Essentially, these charts are saying we started in 2021 making things worse and didn’t back off until the end of 2022.

Norway’s post-vaccine results have been terrible. The authorities cannot explain it so they won’t be publishing stats anymore.
They won’t be publishing stats anymore due to budget cuts.
They have had a clear continuous decline in mortality among those under 60 in the period from 2000 to 2019. Now it seems that this trend has reversed.

Details here:
We have evidence that the authorities can’t explain it (since they aren’t allowed to blame the vaccine, it goes unexplained).
We can’t do it ourselves because they keep the data hidden from public view.
Original source: